Regional Advisory Council

The AAA9 staff and Board of Trustees work with a Regional Advisory Council (RAG). comprised of three
representatives from each of the nine counties in the AAA9 “Planning and Service Area” (PSA). The council
is a voluntary group of citizens who provide information, guidance, advice and support to the agency. AAA9 utilizes this input to plan, develop, coordinate, and administer services to older adults. As required under the Older Americans Act, more than 50% of the membership must be age 60 or over. The Regional Advisory Council serves as the critical link between the Agency and the Older Adult community.

The RAC strives to be a voluntary group of citizens who provide information, guidance, advice, and support to the Area Agency on Aging to plan, develop, coordinate, and administer services to older persons, as specified in the Older Americans Act (Act) of 1965, as amended, for the counties of Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton . Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Muskingum, and Tuscarawas. It serves as the critical link between the Agency and the elderly community.

The Advisory Council cannot make policy or commit funds, but the Council can recommend to the Area Agency Board of Trustees that certain policies and procedures be established or altered or that funds be channeled into particular programs.


Becoming a Regional Advisory Council Member

Want to Make a Difference? Become a AAA9 Regional Advisory Council Member. AAA9 is seeking candidates to serve on its volunteer council. “We are looking for strong candidates interested in serving the community and sharing their skills to benefit current and future older adults. We are especially targeting individuals with expertise in law, finance, accounting, housing management, or commercial real estate, but we encourage applications from individuals in all areas of expertise.

Interested parties can call Jennifer George at (800) 932-7277, extension# 4725, during regular
business hours, to request an information packet by mail