The Area Agency on Aging, Region 9 (AAA9) Foundation was created in 2020 to assist older adults and disabled adults who fall through the “cracks” of traditional assistance programs, are victims of elder abuse or exploitation, of a natural disaster, or in need of other types of assistance to help them maintain their independence. Because the AAA9 Foundation depends on donations and has limited funds, we strive to be the payor of last resort, when practical and possible. Assistance is only available when funding is available.
To be eligible for assistance, the individual must reside in the AAA9 region. Individuals must be age 60 or over, or at least 18 with a documented physical disability. AAA9 Foundation assistance is not based on financial eligibility; however, referral candidates must have no other means of addressing their needs.
The need must concern a matter of health and safety; continuance of independent living; food and/or shelter needs; natural disaster recovery; or address a need specific to exploitation and/or elder abuse. Other types of requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Our Foundation Mission
“To promote, encourage, and raise funds in support of programs and services designed to help all older adults continue to live independently and safely at home; and in support of the Area Agency on Aging Region 9, Inc.”
The AAA9 Foundation has three main funding priorities:
Independent Living Fund: Meet the basic emergency needs of our consumers who have exhausted all other avenues or fall through the “cracks" and are not eligible for government programs.
Food Insecurity: Ensure older Adults have the nutrition and the resources to stay healthy and independent in their homes.
Senior Supports: Provide assistance for issues gripping older adults today, such as telephone scams, fraud, and The Opioid Crisis.
Please consider the AAA Foundation when you are giving to your nonprofit charities to enable them to assist others who are in need.
Make checks payable to: Area Agency on Aging Region 9 Foundation
Please mail checks to:
Area Agency on Aging, Region 9
Attn: AAA9 Foundation
710 Wheeling Avenue, Cambridge OH, 43725