Our Mission

“We work with people, communities, and organizations to help older adults and people with disabilities live independently and enjoy the highest quality of life possible.” 

Our Service Area

The Area Agency on Aging Region 9 is designated as the regional PAA with PASSPORT and Assisted Living administrative responsibilities via a three-party agreement with the Ohio Department of Medicaid and the Ohio Department of Aging for the following counties: Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Muskingum and Tuscarawas.

Our History

The Area Agency on Aging Region 9, also referred to as “AAA9" was incorporated on May 10th, 1976, in Cambridge, Ohio as a private non-profit Section 501(c) (3) organization. 

We are designated by the Ohio Department of Aging as one of America’s nearly 700 Area Agencies on Aging. 

Our Numbers

Our staff currently includes over 150 full-time and part-time employees which directly serve over 2,500 case-managed clients and assist over 40,000 older adults through contracts and grant programs. 

Our budget includes over $53 million in local, state and federal funds, including Medicaid Home Care Waiver monies, Older Americans Act and State Community Services Block Grant. AAA9’s annual salary budget exceeds $8 million.

The Provider Management Unit negotiates and monitors our 150+ performance-based contracts and grants. Their Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement activities ensure the highest possible level of performance and service for our clients, as well as safeguarding the use of taxpayer dollars. Our grant-based programs serve about 40,000 older adults.

Our Screening & Assessment unit handles over 10,000 incoming requests for assistance each year. Over 2,300 in-depth assessments are conducted in the homes of older adults, with care plans and advice to help them stay safe and healthy in their own homes. The Pre-Admission Review (PAR or ‘desk review’) staff checks the appropriateness of nursing home placement for nearly 6,000 people of all ages annually.

Our Case Management unit has over 50 employees and four supervisors.  All of our Case Managers are either Registered Nurses or Licensed Social Workers.  A majority of them work in our statewide PASSPORT program, a Medicaid waiver program that works like a “nursing home without walls”.  Each case manager maintains contact and guides service delivery for 65-75 people at a time. We serve over 3,000 older adults each year, with a current caseload of about 2,300 at any given time.

AAA9 now serves individuals of all ages by providing access to multiple programs. A few of these programs are the caregiver program, our chronic disease self-management program, the Ohio Home Care Waiver and the Specialized Recovery Services Program.