Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Questions:
Background Check Questions:
What are the allowable six reason fingerprinted codes and what does reason code mean?
- Background check reason fingerprinted is the reason the background check is being completed.
- The only six allowable reason fingerprinted codes are the following:
- 173.27 (State long-term care ombudsperson program)
- 173.38 (Community based long term care agency)
- 3701.881 (Home Health Agency Responsible for Children or Adults, in-home patient care)
- 5123.081 (Employment with DoDD, county board of DD or contracting agency)
- 5123.169 (Applicant for a supported living certificate)
- 173.381 (Self-employed provider serving one or more person in the Alzheimer’s Respite, Older Americans Act, PACE, or PASSPORT Programs)

*Keep in mind that the return address must match your company name and address.
Failure to complete the BCII can delay your application process or even lead to a Level One Sanction.
Click the link below to see an example of a Web Check Form you may use for any potential employee.
How often should databases and background checks be ran? For which services?
All databases and background checks should be completed for each employee during the pre-hire process for each service.
A 5-year re-check for databases and background checks should be conducted (every 5 years) for the following services:
- Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- Non-Medical Transportation
- Personal Care Services
- Homemaking Services
- Choices Home Care Attendant
- Waiver Nursing
- Social Work Counseling
- Independent Living Assistance.
The services that only required background checks and databases to be completed during the pre-hire process for employees are following:
- Pest Control
- Home Delivery Meals
- Chore services
- Emergency Response Systems
- Home Medical Equipment and Supplies
- Minor Home Modification.
How do you run the Medicaid Exclusion List Database?
Follow the walk through in the link below:
What is the difference between ARCS and Rapback?
Providers are required to check six different databases when conducting pre- and post-hiring registry checks of employees. Instead of searching six different websites, you can check all six registries at once by using the Automated Registry Check System (ARCS). ARCS checks the following registries:
- SAM (U.S. General Services Administration)
- OIG (U.S. Office of Inspector General)
- Abuser Registry (Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities)
- SexOffender Search (Ohio Attorney General's Office)
- Offender Search (Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction)
- Nurse-Aide Registry (Ohio Department of Health)
There is no fee for ARCS. Click on the link below for more information on how to register.
Providers can enroll employees in Rapback after an initial background check has been performed. The Rapback system will send an automated notification to the employer if an employee has a new arrest or conviction. This will eliminate providers having to conduct a background check on each employee every five years. There is currently a fee of $5 per person annually.
Click on the Rapback User Manual link below for more information on how to register.
Passport Questions:
What does it take to be a qualified Home Health Aide (HHA)?
173-39-02.11 ODA provider certification: personal care.
- Medicare: The person met the qualifications to be a Medicare certified home health aide
- Previous experience: The person has at least one year of verified supervised employment and has successfully completed a competency evaluation
- Vocational programs: COALA home health training program or a certified vocational training and competency evaluation program in a health care field
(v) Other programs: The person successfully completed a training and competency evaluation program with the following characteristics:
(a) The training lasted at least sixty hours.
General Questions:
Where can a provider sign up for rule updates?
- Go to Ohio Department of Aging's website at https://aging.ohio.gov/ and scroll to the bottom of the page
- Click the “Sign Up For Email Updates" button
- Enter contact information and email address
How do I find a list of all services that can be provided?
Click the link below to see all services provided and the ODA provider certification requirements for all services: