Notice of Public Hearing

For Area Agency on Aging Region 9, Inc.

On Thursday, January 26th, 2017 at 11 a.m. at the Bureau of Workers Compensation, 61501 Southgate Parkway, Cambridge

Area Agencies on Aging are required to conduct a public hearing to render an opportunity for the aging network and the public to provide comments on their Strategic Area Plan Elements and the general needs of older adults in the community served by the AAA. Information will also be gathered and requested for the purposes of preparing a Community Needs Assessment. The public hearing will be held Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 11 a.m. at the Bureau of Workers Compensation, 61501 Southgate Parkway, Cambridge.

To preview the information, including the Strategic Area Plan or to participate in the needs assessment data collection process prior to the public hearing, information will be posted on AAA9’s website, If you are unable to attend the public hearing, but have comments please submit those to Alicia Wutrick, Area Agency on Aging Region 9, 1730 Southgate Parkway, Cambridge, Ohio 43725 or by email to

Please let Alicia know if you have questions and/or if you will be attending.  You can reach Alicia at or 740-421-4208.