Notice of Public Hearing – January 28, 2016
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2016
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Bureau of Worker’s Compensation Building
61501 Southgate Road, Cambridge, Ohio 43725
The Area Agency on Aging Region 9, is required to hold a public hearing to render an opportunity for the aging network and the public to provide comments on their Strategic Area Plan Elements and application for a direct service waiver from the Ohio Department of Aging for provision of the following services in PY 2017 for the PSA9 nine-county region of Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Muskingum and Tuscarawas Counties. To review AAA9s current Strategic Area Plan please Click Here.
*Nutrition Education – This program will promote better health by providing accurate nutrition information and instruction to participants and/or their caregivers. The contracted RD/LD develops nutrition education materials and evaluation tools to present to congregate meal participants and those who receive home delivered meals. The contracted RD/LD also works with meal providers to assure that menus are meeting the RDA requirements for consumers. The planned funding level for the services performed by the RD/LD is $4,000 Title III Older American’s Act dollars.
*Evidenced-based Health Education – The Evidence-based Health Education Programs are used to provide information on health related issues and to promote disease prevention and healthy living. The Evidence-based workshops AAA9 would offer include, but are not limited to:Diabetic Self-Management Program (DSMP), Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (CDSMP), Matter of Balance, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, Diabetes Education Empowerment Program (DEEP), and online through NCOA’s Better Choices, Better Health: Chronic Disease, Diabetic and Arthritis. The planned funding is $42,990 from Older Americans Act dollars.
The Area Agency’s rationale for direct provision of these services is to ensure adequate supply throughout our service area. In our rural counties, there are few trained leaders for evidenced based programs. AAA9 can provide oversite while providing the Evidence-based Programs to underserved areas.
*Caregiver Education – AAA9 works with provider networks to form coalitions to hold and sponsor events to develop caregiver support, education and outreach. AAA9 has an established caregiver support and education program that enables individuals to understand their role as a caregiver in the community setting. Currently there are no other provider agencies within Region 9 who can offer this wide array of services and support area wide as a direct service that meets Older Americans Act guidelines for this funding. The planned funding is $169,753 from Older Americans Act dollars.
*General Home Repair, Maintenance – As a community-based organization AAA9 is contracted to administer the Housing Trust Fund Grant (HTFG). In order to do this AAA9 is required to provide match for the Housing Trust Fund Grant; therefore, AAA9 uses Older Americans Act dollars as match. Without this funding to match the HTF Grant, the AAA9 would not be able to meet the local service needs of seniors in our region which would be detrimental to the goal for consumers aging in place. AAA9 can provide this service through our housing manager who is also a certified Aging in Place Specialist. The planned funding is $52,643 from Older Americans Act dollars.
*In-service Training (Defensive Driving, DRIVE and ServSafe) – AAA9 has worked in coordination with eligible individuals who are qualified to provide in-service trainings. Funds are utilized to acquire space, materials and to promote educational programs that providers are required to have, to meet Conditions of Participation and Service Specifications. AAA9 can provide this at a reduced cost for our provider network in our nine county service area. The planned funding is $13,434 from Older Americans Act dollars.
For planning purposes, please contact Jennifer to RSVP at or 740-435-4725.